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BVD virus accreditation/vaccinated monitored free programmes

Writer's picture: AxiomTeamAxiomTeam

Antibody check test:

  • Five blood samples per group aged 9-18 months (or if sold before 9 months old then 10 samples per group down to six months old). If fewer than seven are tested in total then one of them should also be tested for BVD antigen.

  • Any non-homebred animals that have not been in contact with the youngstock groups must be blood tested for antibody and antigen/virus in addition.

  • ·Repeat the antibody check test on next calf crop when they reach nine months old

Alternative testing (if majority of calves sold before 9 months old):

  • Virus/antigen test on all calves born into herd (includes abortions/stillbirths) – blood or ear tissue. Test all calves born for a two year period.

Dairy herds

  • Bulk milk BVD antibody test. If negative – repeat quarterly on bulk milk. If antibody positive, test pooled milk from first lactation heifers.

  • Antibody check tests also to be done on successive groups of calves over a 12 month period (or test all calves born into herd for virus e.g. ear tissue or blood samples).

Annual testing in accredited/vaccinated monitored free herds:

  • Beef herd: Antibody check test as above or continue virus testing on all calves born

  • Dairy herd: Continue testing bulk milk quarterly (or pooled milk from first lactation heifers) plus check tests on successive calf crops or test all calves born for virus.

Added animal testing:

Unless bought-in animals are being added direct from a BVD accredited herd (in which case testing is optional) then:

  • Test for BVD antibody and antigen/virus at least 28 days after entry to quarantine (an earlier additional test can be carried out if desired but must be repeated at this stage).

Cases where BVD could be involved and testing is required to rule out disease:

  • Blood test for antibody and virus/antigen and repeat these tests after 21 days, whilst in isolation.

  • Cows/heifers that abort, have stillborn calves or have evidence of resorption must be blood tested for BVD antibody. Virus/antigen testing is optional.

Milk monitoring programme:

  • Quarterly bulk milk sample

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